Sunday, July 27, 2014

Coffee Grounds Recycled

Did you know that with all the coffee grounds that are thrown away every morning, something useful could come out of them instead.  In our house we all about recycling items that can be recycled into something else useful. Just this morning David asked me to start saving all of the grounds that I have been throwing away.  Why yes! Yes I will!

We happen to have coffee fundraiser going on right now with Just Love Coffee.  For every 12 oz bag of coffee that you buy we get $5 toward our adoption fund.  They also have 8 oz bags, single cup servings, etc.  We are using our first bag now and love it.  We have the Costa Rican coffee.  Here is the link to our shop:

And here is a list of some useful ways to reuse those coffee grounds.

1. Deodorize the fridge
2. Clean pots and pans, perfect for those cast iron skillets
3. Plants that love acid will respond well to coffee in their soil
4. Repel snails from your garden
5. Use as an exfoliant - mix with vitamin E
6. Ant deterrent

And there are many more...just google it :)

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