Thursday, July 10, 2014


Welcome to our corner of the inter webs! Some of you may know this by now but most do not.
WE ARE ADOPTING!!!!  This is something that David and I have hoped to do even before we got married.  We always said we would have 2 bio kids and adopt one.  Little did we know that God had different plans for the amount of bio children we would be blessed with.  I love my three boys with all of my being but I have always little princess.  So we are starting our journey to find here.

We haven't decided on a country yet.  Our first choice has been Vietnam but we are starting to think otherwise now.  Vietnam is currently closed to the United States but will likely open again towards the end of the year.
There are quite a few uncertainties that come along with Vietnam until they actually reopen adoptions with the U.S.  Not sure if they will only be allowing adoptions of older children or if younger children with specials needs will also be adopted out.  So with the unknown of when Vietnam will open and also who will be available for adoptions, we are thinking that we may have to consider another country. China possibly!
The first step if we rule out Vietnam would be to decide on an agency.  Hopefully we can come to an agreement and make that decision asap. 

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